Below are the conversations that capture the essence of each painting

Every dialogue is charged with emotions and it exist to make you feel deeply

And Then We Laughed

“Remember that time when everything went wrong, and then we laughed”

“How could I forget it? It was one of those days where everything seemed to conspire against us. Plans fell apart, technology betrayed us, and it felt like the universe was playing a prank. But you know what?

It was in that chaos, that we found the humor. We could have gotten frustrated or stressed out, but instead, we chose to laugh. It was this spontaneous, genuine laughter that echoed through the mishaps. It’s funny how those moments of shared laughter somehow turned the day around.

We’ve faced challenges, ups, and downs, but that memory sticks out because it’s a reminder that no matter how tough things get, there’s always room for laughter. It’s a powerful thing – it brings people together and turns even the worst situations into stories we can fondly look back on. So, yeah, and then we laughed, and it made all the difference.

Shop "And Then We Laughed"

Breath of Fresh Air

“Are there some things someone said, that stuck with you?”

“Yes, and it’s rare because I'm not great at remembering exact words, but I always remember how I felt in that moment. This one time, though, is crystal clear – the words, his face, the whole deal.

The air felt heavy, and it seemed like everything we discussed just hung there. Past struggles were on the table, and he looks at me, eyes a bit tired and sad. Out of nowhere, he goes, 'You're like a breath of fresh air in my chaos. You saved me.'

And I remember thinking that it’s funny how I was unable to save myself, but I managed to save someone else. But that was that’s exactly how I felt. During a time when everything felt heavy and stagnant, we brought something light and refreshing into each other’s worlds.

It's strange, thinking back on it. We don't always realise the effect we have on others, how our presence can make a real difference. I guess we all need that breath of fresh air at times, something or someone that lifts the weight off our shoulders, even if just for a moment. Or for life.”

Shop "Breath of Fresh Air"

Chameleon Soul

"You have moved a lot, not everyone would be able to do it. What was the most important skill you learned?”

"You know, adapting to change has been a bit of a journey for me, and it's become one of the most crucial skills I've picked up along the way.

Life's always throwing curveballs, and change is just part of the deal. Over the years, I've kind of perfected this ability to adjust, to sort of morph into whoever I needed to be, depending on the situation or the people around me. It's like I had no fixed personality, just this flexible, ever-evolving version of myself. I've hopped countries, switched up languages, jobs, and even my surroundings. The only thing that's been a constant in my life? Change.

Not everything pans out the way you think it will, right? But here's the thing – just because it's not going as planned doesn't mean it won't turn out alright, maybe even way better than you imagined. Life's got this way of surprising you when you least expect it."

Shop "Chameleon Soul"

Dream With Me

"I am so tired and fed up with everything."

"Why don't you close your eyes and dream with me for a moment?

Let's pretend that there is nothing to do, nothing to lose, nothing to gain. Picture a future unburdened by the stresses of the present. We can talk about our hopes, desires, and the kind of life we truly want.

Let's step outside the box that we build around ourselves everyday. We can let our imagination run wild - in our dreams, anything is possible. Let's break free from the routine and explore what we genuinely desire deep down.

An invitation to dream with someone is so simple, and yet a powerful reminder that dreams are bridges to a future waiting to unfold."

Shop "Dream With Me"

Emotional Cocktail

"That's a very interesting name. I don't imagine you are hosting a party and brainstorming names for the drink list, are you?"

"That's an amazing idea that I might give a further thought in the future. But that's not it.

Do you know that moment when you feel everything, all at once? You can't pin down the exact emotion. It's just all mixed up. One moment you are up and the other you are down. As if you're on an rollercoaster, but the rollercoaster is in your mind. And it all happens so fast and it's a blur. You are crying but don't know if it's out of sadness or happiness. It's like a sunny day and the weather if beautiful. All of a sudden, rain starts. But you know what the outcome is?


“Rainbow. And life is beautiful again.”

Shop "Emotional Cocktail"

Here Come the Butterflies

“Do you think there is hope?”

“You woke up today and chose to question life's biggest mysteries. Let me try to give you "simple" answer - my style."

There are these times when I feel that everything is falling apart. Then, out of nowhere, this fluttery feeling hits me – the kind you get when you're both nervous and excited. It wasn't like a grand revelation or anything, just a subtle signal that change was in the air. Those butterflies, fluttering their beautiful gentle wings, but causing a massive stir, rocking my world.

I didn't have all the answers, far from it. But in that moment, amidst the chaos, those butterflies gave me this weird sense of comfort. Like, maybe, just maybe, something good was waiting around the corner. Late at night, when everything was quiet, I found myself thinking about it. The butterflies, the inspiration, the tears – it was all part of this tangled emotional mess.

And there it was, this simple yet powerful reminder that even in the midst of chaos, here come the butterflies, telling you that a new chapter is about to begin and that everything will be ok.

So to answer your question - I don’t think there is hope, I know there is.”

Shop "Here Come the Butterflies"

Let's Change the World

“What would you change if you could?”

“Imagine the world where everyone always chooses kindness over hatred and violence. If there was a little bit more of it, the world would be a much better place. Sometimes, or rather, quote often, I’m an idealist. A dreamer, they say, and yeah, reality rarely aligns with my dreams.

But, we are people, and I’m sure we would find another way to destroy everything around us. Our very existence seems to have a knack for causing trouble.

Whatever you do, please don’t wake me up.”

Shop "Let's Change the World"

Magic is Everywhere

"Do you believe in magic?"

She smiled and said: "Of course, magic is everywhere, you just have to recognise it."

"Like where? What is so magical about this world?"

"I often find myself strolling down the street, lost in my thoughts, or scrolling through various podcasts trying to choose one that suits the moment. One day, I shifted my gaze, up, towards the sky. Suddenly, the familiar transformed into extraordinary - the sky, sun, trees, clouds, even buildings. And the stars, stars are special - all the overlooked wonders that had always been there, waiting to be appreciated.

And suddenly, the magic was right in front of me."

Shop "Magic is Everywhere"

Scream. Then Let it Go

“I had a terrible day. I could explode!"

“Go to a quiet place, or cover your face with pillow and just scream."


“I did it. I screamed out all the frustration, anger, and despair. It was as if releasing all that pent-up emotion somehow lightened the load.

After that, I felt this strange calmness. Like I had confronted the storm and survived. That's when I realised holding onto all that negativity wasn't doing me any good. I decided to let it go. It’s a process of course, not an instant fix.

You acknowledge the pain, scream it out, and then, step by step, release it. Hanging onto it just prolongs the agony. It's about acceptance and moving forward.

Life didn't magically become perfect, but I gained a sense of control. Scream. Then let it go – it became my mantra. It's like shedding the unnecessary weight to make room for something new, something better.

Life's too short to be burdened by the past."

Scream. Then Let it Go

Stop & Smell the Roses

“When was the last time you just stopped and took in the world around you?”

“You know, it's something I hadn't done in a long while. Life was this relentless race, always running towards the next thing on my to-do list. Then one day, something clicked.

I found myself walking through the park, the sun dipping below the horizon, casting this warm, golden glow on everything. It was like I was seeing my surroundings for the first time in ages. The trees, the flowers, the subtle sounds of birds – all these details I had overlooked.

That pause made me realise how caught up I was in the chaos. So, I started intentionally taking moments to appreciate the beauty around me. Not just in nature, but in the everyday things too – presence of loved ones, the aroma of a home-cooked meal, even the quiet moments with a good book.

It's not about stopping life; it's about pausing long enough to recognise the beauty in it. I've learned that those small, seemingly insignificant moments are the ones that truly matter. It's like smelling the roses, a reminder to embrace the richness of life and savor the moments that often slip away in the rush.

You don’t want to wake up one day and realise you missed out on life while you were busy chasing everything around it. Time doesn’t stop for anyone.”

Shop "Stop & Smell the Roses"

Sky is the Limit? How Claustrophobic

“Sometimes I feel so productive and so energetic that I really believe that only sky is the limit.”

“But why limit ourselves to the sky? Why not aim for something beyond? There is whole universe out there that stretches far beyond the confines of the sky.

While the sky is undeniably vast, but it’s not limitless. I reject the idea that our dreams, capabilities, and achievements should have any bounds, they should be endless. There is always something new to dream about, something fresh to learn and something more to strive for. The only conclusion I envision is death, but until that moment, I'll be striving for goals far beyond the sky.”

Shop "Sky is the Limit? How Claustrophobic"