About me

My name is Roberta. I am Croatian, and I live in London with my boyfriend and my ragdoll Flake who loves being part of my creative process.

I am a self-taught artist who struggles to capture my emotions with words - that's why I've embraced colors as my voice.

I always say that my paintings are abstract, but very much alive.

For me, the most important aspect of my work is relatability. I want the viewer to be able to connect with the painting on a personal level. It is not just color on canvas - it is the ability to relate to it that makes it special.

Painting style

I paint on raw canvas using various mediums and a lot of color. Gold is a must in every painting. It amplifies each painting and adds a touch of elegance to it.

You might notice that my paintings are a bit chaotic, but this is where I find the comfort, it makes me feel safe.

Additionally, I incorporate gold in different ways, providing a touch of sophistication and enhancing the overall appeal of the artwork.


Evoking emotions

Through my paintings, I invite you to embark on an emotional journey and each brushstroke aims to transport your mind to all the different kinds of places and feelings you might not have known existed. That's why every artwork carries a title that evokes profound emotions or resonates with relatable life experiences inviting you to explore countless facets of the human heart and mind.


I absolutely adore animals, and their mistreatment deeply saddens me.

Through my art, I aspire to create a positive impact and make a difference. To contribute to the well-being of animals, I am committed to donating 10% of every sale (excluding price of the frame) to different animal shelters.

I will rotate the selected charities on monthly basis, providing you with three new options on the 1st of each month, allowing you to choose which organisation to support.